Here's me

This is my story and it's easy to tell. I have spent over 20 years of my life planning corporate, brand and product campaigns and writing words on newspapers, magazines, webpages and social media. It’s hard work but it’s great fun, too.

Taught to be an independent worker since the very start, I have developed an “all-inclusive” approach. Catch the news; get the next buzz; gather information; chase people for interviews; write and edit and lay out the page (I learnt a little Html and the basic use of Microsoft SharePoint for this); and in the end hunt publishers to get the article published or prepare reports to be issued to internal and/or external stakeholders.

It all begun long before the Internet started to radically change the way we work (and much more than this, being sincere...), making many of these steps much quicker done now. Information, news, contents are accessed and produced more easily than ever today and men, as “social animals”, are taking a great advantage from this. We all love – well, need by nature – to communicate and share emotions so it’s really rewarding when you understand that a message you sent has reached your target (I mean readers, customers, patients...) and moved them somehow. Even a single person and whatever the topic.
You know it’s a hard job but it can be great fun, too.

Now here comes the toughest challenge ever: writing about myself, and being honest with yourself is a very very difficult exercise.

Anyway, at the end this is my website and I personally designed and developed it for you to learn about my present and past professional activities in the field of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Journalism and Education.

Click on the link My Professional Experience on top of the page to start.

You can also download my CV in English or Italian from the Extras page of this website.

To contact me please use the Contacts Form.